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ENERCALC for Revit

类型: Building design, Construction
需预装: Revit
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  • ENERCALC for Revit simplifies engineering design work by automatically bridging the gap between calculation and documentation software.
  • ENERCALC for Revit allows engineers to access the familiar power of ENERCALC SEL as a seamless real-time extension of your Revit environment.
  • Changes to your model in Revit transfer to ENERCALC, where calculations and unity checks are performed. The calculation results are automatically applied to the Revit model.
  • ENERCALC's use of the Revit API results in fast-paced, intuitive design without clunky, error-prone import/export processes.

ENERCALC for Revit (EFR) makes ENERCALC an extension of Revit: fast-paced, intuitive structural design in real-time. With EFR, you build a complete structural calculation by clicking a Revit element, designing structural components, & auto-updating the Revit model from the ENERCALC calculation.


ENERCALC, Inc. been producing software for structural and civil engineers, architects, and plan check offices since 1982. The company's Structural Engineering Library contains over 40 analysis and design modules for structural components, earth retention structures, and analysis.